Our mentoring approach
We provide face-to-face and online mentoring for selected mentorees. We use our experience teaching, mentoring and supervising many evaluators, outcomes specialists and strategists.
We mentor in the areas of: strategic planning; program evaluation; outcomes measurement; impact assessment; policy development; evidence-based polic and practice and performance management. More informatio on how mentoring works in practice is below.
Evaluation and outcomes mentoring
We provide mentoring in evaluation and outcomes for selected evaluators. The depth of our evaluation experience means that we can provide useful and pragmatic mentoring advice. This saves the evaluators we work with time and effort and enables them to do their evaluation and outcomes work faster and better.
We draw on an extensive knowledge of: evaluation philosophies; approaches and methodologies; evaluation planning; evaluation management; evaluation budgeting; evaluation risk-management; data collection methods; impact evaluation designs; outcomes specification and measurement; indicator collection; stakeholder involvement techniques; evaluation communication and evaluation reporting.
Dr Paul Duignan has been my mentor for my evaluation work for over six years. As my mentor, I have found Paul to be unconditionally supportive of me and the work I put in front of him. He has always provided valuable criticism and I invariably come away from our sessions energized about my work - and with a useful list of ways that I can improve it.
Maggie Jakob-Hoff Evaluator
How our mentoring works in practice
It’s all very simple. If you are doing strategy, evaluation or outcomes mentoring with Dr Paul Duignan, we arrange a regular online (or face-to-face) meeting with Paul. this can be supplemented with realtime mentoring where you just emil or ring and, if available, Paul will call you back and you can work through the issue that is immediate at hand.
Mentorees either provide a list of topics they want to raise prior to the meeting, or simply raise them in the mentoring meeting. The topics covered tend to be things such as: particular problems you are dealing with at the current time; philsophical and methodological issues you are grapping with; or difficult evaluation administrative, mangement or risk-management issues. Paul will talk through these issues with you; send you tools he has developed or other resources; and on some occassions prepare specific resources for you. Payment is arranged on an hourly basis.
On occassion Paul has written blog posts or produced one of his Three Minute Outcomes Videos covering issues that are relevant to something that mentorees are grapping with. They can then use these in discussions they are having with management or other stakeholders about ongoing evaluation issues. He is also available for online or face-to-face workshops in the mentoree’s workplace to build wider capability in best practice strategy, evaluation, outcomes and performance management.
Contact us now regarding what we can do for you regarding mentoring either face-to-face or online.
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